Image files are submitted for all competitions whether Print or PI. For Print competitions this registration of the print and provides the Title plus a record of the printed image. For Projected Image competitions this provides the Title, the image itself and a record of the image. In both cases the image of the winner and placed entries will be used when announcing the result on the club’s website.
Image files must be in RGB mode (even for monochrome) and in the sRGB colour space. Other colour spaces include colours which cannot be displayed using sRGB and the colours may not be displayed as you wished.
The image file type must be ‘jpg’. Saving at a maximum jpg quality is recommended.
Image size must fit within 1600 pixels wide x 1200 pixels high to comply with projector requirements (for consistency Print submissions should also be this size). For PI competitions if your image is larger than this it will be reduced by the competition software but may be a lower quality than you would achieve yourself. If it is smaller it will not fill the screen. Unused area outside of an image will filled with black. Note if your image is dark a key-line should be considered to avoid merging into this black “background”.
The filename is the title (and only the title) of the image followed by “.jpg”, For Print entries the title must also appear on the back of your print along with your name. Prints are brought along on the evening of the competition. Filenames should avoid special characters as Dropbox will not synchronise files with these in the filename and hence would not be seen by the competition software. Examples are ! ” £ $ % & *
e.g. Mona Lisa.jpg
Submitting your images is via the Dropbox folder allocated to you from the club’s Dropbox account when joining the club. The Members Dropbox folders have the format StACC <member name>. Submission must be made by 7:00pm on the Sunday preceding the competition date. Email to Digisec is a backup option should you have an issue with Dropbox.
DO NOT create subfolders in Dropbox for your images – the competition software cannot access subfolders and your submission could be lost.
DO NOT use underscore “_” in your filename except when explicitly asked to do so. This character has special meaning for the competition software and if included the result is unpredictable. This applies to PI and Prints.
Following the competition (within a few days) a certificate for each of image/print submitted will be returned to your Dropbox folder. This should be removed and saved in your own system. Below is an example.