The club consists of a group of enthusiasts at various skill levels enjoying many styles of photography. We welcome new members of all ages and skill level – there is a pool of knowledge in the club available to all the members and the focus is on sharing and developing skills. We have no overriding ‘style’ of photography, and encourage a bit of experimentation.
We are members of The Chiltern Association of Camera Clubs.
Most meetings are held in the Jersey Farm Community Centre on Tuesday evenings, with a 7:45pm meet for an 8:00pm start. Other meetings may be held over zoom, or at other venues in the surrounding area where we find photographic opportunities.
Our programme is made up of talks, competitions and club evenings. Talks are selected to be stimulating and informative, and may cover photographic technique, post-processing skills, or viewing a specific photographers portfolio. Most competitions are externally judged, so that members get independent critique and feedback on their submitted images. We hold an annual league, and a number of one-off set subject competitions. Club evenings are opportunities for practical sessions, informal presentations by members, light hearted competitions and a chance to get advice from others.
We also try to organise ‘field trips’ to visit places of interest for photography. Some of these may be away fro the regular Tuesday evenings.
More Info
See the events page for the full programme.
See the Membership page for details of current subscription rates.