Aerial Photography by Ray Wilkinson

Jersey Farm Community Centre St. Brelades Place, St Albans, United Kingdom

Ray Wilkinson, a private pilot and experienced photographer, will very kindly be giving the club a presentation about aerial photography. He will talk about techniques, offer tips and tricks and advise on how to access flights on light aircraft at reasonable cost. Not a talk to miss.

Reviewing our Own Videos


We’ll review videos shot during the workshop on 22 October and your own practice since. What did you love? What drove you mad? Who’s now an influencer on TikTok ? Who’ll take it up as a career?

Competitions – Albert Beale & Carter Cup

Jersey Farm Community Centre St. Brelades Place, St Albans, United Kingdom

We have two competitions in one night, with themes as follows: Albert Beale Trophy: "Reflections" Carter Cup: Triptych Welcoming our external judge, Ben Pike