Images of the year

Our first on-line competition during lock down was the "PI and Print Images of the year". Entries for this were the placed images for each round of the three main club competitions - PI, Colour Prints and Mono Prints. Obviously these were neither projected nor prints, but we were working with available resources.

Congratulations to our three winners.

Projected Image of the year.

This was won by Richard Craddock with "Church of St Primoz". Chris Bennett was runner up with "Super Squirrel", and third place went to Angie  McLean with "Morning light in the woods".


Colour Print of the year.

This was won by Steve Else with "Barrelling". Colin McInnes was runner up with "River Coe Waterfall", and third place went to Steve Ransom with "Small Skipper".


Mono Print of the year.

This was won by Steve Else with "Friendship". Colin McInnes was runner up with "To Lower Stable Street", and third place also went to Steve Else with "A time for reflection".


We’re back!

Having decided to stop any meeting as soon as the Covid-19 pandemic started, we have had a think and are trying to run some on-line competitions. these will (at least initially) be judged by fellow members, and we have a series of  competitions planned.

Club activities suspended

Due to current guidelines on Coronavirus isolation, all club activities are suspended. We don’t expect to be able to meet as a club again this season, but the committee are investigating using  technology to enable us to continue to provide some virtual meetings and/or competitions.

2019/20 PI – Round 3

Round 3 of the Projected images gave us the following winners. In first place was Angie McLena with "Morning light in the woods". Richard Craddock took both 2nd and 3rd places with "Climber on the Cinque Tori" and "Tracks" respectively.

2019/20 Prints Round 3

The third and final round of the prints competition was held last week, and the winners are below...

In the colour section, Colin McInnes was deemed the winner with "River Coe Waterfall", Angie McLean was runner up with "Mushrooms" and third place was Chris Williams and "Budapest". Congrats!

In the mono section, Chris Williams was 1st (again!) this time with "Bologna".  Colin McInnes 2nd (again!) with "T0 Lower Cable Street", whilst third place went to Steve Ballard and "On The Rocks". Well done all.

Albert Beale and Carter Cup

This years winners of the Albert Beale (Refections) and Carter cup (Triptych) were Colin McInnes with “Kilchurn Castle Reflection” and Chris Bennett with “The Migration”.

The Migration by Chris Bennett

Kilchurn Castle Reflection by Colin McInnes

2019/20 Prints Round 2

The second round of three for the prints competition was held last week, and the winners are below...

In the colour section, Steve Ransom took both first and second places with "Small Skipper" and "Peterborough" respectively. Angie McLean was in third place with "Fishing at Sunrise". Steve Else was also awarded 20 points for his "Grey Heron with Stickleback", so gets an honorary mention!

In the mono section, Chris Williams was 1st and 3rd with "Albert memorial" and "Dereliction" respectively, whilst the meat in the Chris sandwich was Colin McInnes with "Kilchurn Castle in the Mist". Well done all.

2019/20 Prints Round 1

This years Prints Round 1 images have now arrived!.

The winner of the Colour section was Steve Else with "Pied kingfisher barrelling fish". Chris Drury's "Chain making" took second and Angie McLean was in Thord place with "Poppies"

Geoff Clinton held off a Steve Else onslaught to take first place with "Engine house of Coal Mine", with Steve taking second and third with "Friendship" and "Reading corner" respectively. Steve also had a further 20 pointer that did not even make the podium!

2019/20 PI – Round 2

Round 2 of the Projected images gave a nice variety of winners. In first place was Richard Craddock (ahem!) with the classic landscape of Church at St Primoz, Second place was a great wildlife shot from Chris Bennett - Super Squirrel, and in third was a mono architectural shot of St Pauls by night from Geoff Clinton.

2019/20 PI – Round 1

The first competition of the new season was held on Tuesday. This week's winning entry was Sue Else's "seascape" with lovely rich colours. Second place was Steve Ballard with "Picking Lavender" - taken on the club night out to Hitchin I am guessing!. Third place was taken by Gary Shore with "Snapshot" a nice take on a familiar scene.A good standard all round, and thanks to this weeks judge Martin Patten.