Close Up Photography Competition

Close Up, including Macro, competition

An interesting competition of Close Up photography, an ideal subject while in lockdown and inspired many members to come up with a wide range of subjects. Richard Craddock's 9:42 image of part of a watch face with an exposure of about 2.5 seconds resulting in the "indexed" second hand appearing three times took the honour of first place. A close second and also with 20 points was Hardware Landscape by Chris Williams. Third place went to Steve Else with Bumble Bee. In total the competition attracted 47 images and in spite of a hiccup with the competition software (many thanks to judges' tolerance) it was a successful evening.

Project Image 2020/21 Round 2

Project Image League 2020/21 round 2

Projected Image league competition round 2. First position awarded to Chris Williams with "The Tube", a cleaver composition of  some rolled paper and good lighting. Second with  "Walk or Ride" was Steve Else (these two members also had first and second in round 1, but in the reverse order). Third with "Flower Girl" was Steve Ballard.

Project Image 2020/21 Round 1

Project Image League 2020/21 round 1

The first round of the Projected Image league competition was. First was "A Morning in the Ardennes" by Steven Else, Chris Williams grabbing second with "Just Hanging Around" and third with "Gulnara" was Colin McInnes.

Set Subject – Still Life

Tuesday 19th Jan we had a set subject competition for Still Life.

Still Life The winning Image this week was "Refraction" by Chris Bennett. Richard Craddock took 2nd  with "Buddha and Candles", Laura Barfoot 3rd with Stripped Back.

Post Processing

This week we had an informal session on post processing, with all members being provided with the same four images to process in any way they fancied. Gareth provided the images which were broadly speaking : a morning landscape, natural history (swans), architecture at night, silhouetted leaves.

The landscape was generally given a similar treatment by all members, essentially adjusting levels, cropping etc to image the final image.

The swans in duckweed was a challenging subject, but we ended up with lots and lots of swans of different colours on different colour backgrounds, and one or two ‘extras’ like BatDuck.

The image of statues at Canary wharf was handed sympathetically by most, but with one or two wacky interpretations (eg from Chris Williams – who else – who managed to merge the other images into this one).

Finally the leaves challenged everyone to pull out something meaningful, with most going the same route, although the creation of a “screen print effect” (by me) was my favourite!!

Everyone picked up a few tricks/tips and hopefully a couple of ideas for use on their own portfolio.

2020/2021 season

Despite all of the restrictions and changing environment, the club is planning a full programme for the coming season. We will be doing most meetings on Zoom until further notice, although we can have access to the Hall under certain conditions which are of course subject to regular change.

It’s hoped that people can continue to attend regularly and get out there to take some photos!

New and returning members are always welcome – please contact our Secretary Chris Williams ( if you want to join in.

Tuesday 16th June

The next club session on Tuesday 16th will be a similar format to the “My favourite Images” session, but this time based on the lockdown. Members will be invited to show 4 or 5 images showing what the lockdown meant to them, and talk briefly about each image. This could be any aspect that you like, not necessarily photographic in context and could be memories, experiences or skills learned. Should be interesting.

My favourite images..

Last Tuesday we had a Zoom meeting discussing favourite images. Several people put up a panel of 4 images (with one or two exceeding this), and discussed them. The images were presented by people sharing their screens. It was an interesting session and not all the favourites were the individuals best images but those that represented a new skill or an event. The session was as long as a normal meeting finishing just before 10pm and was quite a sociable event which everyone seemed to enjoy.

Spring & Easter

Last night saw our third on-line, member scored, virtually hosted competition this time with the theme of "Spring/Easter".

As before, the images were scored using the "median" value of the scores from members, with the "mean" used as tie-breaker.

And again we saw a wide range in the scores for some images - there are clearly some that work for most people, and others that really bring out the emotions - good and bad.

The winning Image this week was "Cornflowers" by Richard Craddock. Chris Williams took 2nd and 3rd (and also 4th!) with "It's nearly time" and "Catkins" respectively.

Thanks to everyone for entering and scoring, and congratulations to the winners.

Online Portraits

Last night saw our second on-line, member scored, virtually hosted competition for both Human and Animal portraits.

The images were scored using the "median" value of the scores from members, with the "mean" used as tie-breaker. Additional comments were shared, which caused some amusement due to the wide variance in suggestions - one person wants a tighter crop, another wants a wide view, of the very same image. It's not hard to see that "personal preference" plays a large part and why externally judging still makes us all unhappy at times. Anyway - on to the results....


Animal Portraits

The winner in this category was Geoff Clinton with "It was him". Second was another primate with Chris Bennett's "Big Daddy", and there was a tie for third place between Colin McInnes and Geoff again with "Tessa" and "Hebridean sheep" respectively.

Human Portraits

The winner here was Chris Bennett with her lovely mon of "Mum". There was a tie for second place between Chris Drury and Colin McInnes with their editions of "Butter wouldn't melt" and "Girl with the auburn hair".