This week we had an informal session on post processing, with all members being provided with the same four images to process in any way they fancied. Gareth provided the images which were broadly speaking : a morning landscape, natural history (swans), architecture at night, silhouetted leaves.
The landscape was generally given a similar treatment by all members, essentially adjusting levels, cropping etc to image the final image.
The swans in duckweed was a challenging subject, but we ended up with lots and lots of swans of different colours on different colour backgrounds, and one or two ‘extras’ like BatDuck.
The image of statues at Canary wharf was handed sympathetically by most, but with one or two wacky interpretations (eg from Chris Williams – who else – who managed to merge the other images into this one).
Finally the leaves challenged everyone to pull out something meaningful, with most going the same route, although the creation of a “screen print effect” (by me) was my favourite!!
Everyone picked up a few tricks/tips and hopefully a couple of ideas for use on their own portfolio.