Print 2024-25 R2 1st

Print Competition 2024/25 Round 2

Print League 2024/25.

Round 2 of the Print league competition was for Mono prints with first and second place again taken by the same member, this time Chris Bennett with Yosemite reflection in top spot followed by The Kelpies at Falkirk. Third place taken by Derek Nash with One Man and his monument.


Print 2024-25 R2 1st
Print 2024-25 R2 2nd
Print 2024-25 R2 3rd
PI 2024-25 R2 1st

Projected Image 2024/25 Round 2

Projected Image league round 2

Round 2 and Richard Craddock continues his success in the recent Triptych be taking by taking both 1st and 2nd slots with The colour of shells and Scallop repectively. Thirs was The Moon in the Cathedral by Colin McInnes

PI 2024-25 R2 1st
PI 2024-25 R2 2nd
PI 2024-25 R2 3rd
Reflection 2024-25 1st

Reflection 2024/25

Reflection (Albert Beale Trophy)

First place in Reflection was taken by Angela McClean with Watery Wharf, second was Frozen Lake in Norway by Geoff Clinton with third place going to Colin McInnes with Puddle Reflections

Reflection 2024-25 1st
Triptych 2024-25 2nd
Triptych 2024-25 3rd
Triptych 2024-25 1st

Triptych 2024/25

Triptych (Carter cup)

Winner, second and third places in the Triptych competition were cleanly swept up by Richard Craddock with his images Picass-ish, Smokin and At the market respectively

Triptych 2024-25 1st
Triptych 2024-25 2nd
Triptych 2024-25 3rd
Print 2024-25 R1 1st

Print Competition 2024/25 Round 1

Print League 2024/25 round 1.

First round of the print league for this season resulted in first and second places going to Derek Nash with Georgia in pensive mood and Autumn contemplation respectively. Third place was grbed by Chris Williams with Three Flowers.


Print 2024-25 R1 1st
Print 2024-25 R1 2nd
Print 2024-25 R1 3rd
PI 2023-24 R2 1st

Projected Image 2024/25 Round 1

Projected Image league round 1

First round of PI competition held Tues 15th Oct and the bar has been set high with some excellent images. Taking the overall honours with first place is Dan Van Leempoel with his image Belvedere House. In second place Puffin in Flight by Emma Mapletoft and third is Chris Bennett with Spotlight on a food thief.

PI 2023-24 R2 1st
PI 2023-24 R2 2nd
PI 2023-24 R2 3rd

Quiz Night

Tuesday saw the hosting of the internal club quiz night hosted by Richard Craddock. Questions were posed on  Photographers, Technical issues, St Albans, some Photographs and finally some random miscellany (eg How much is a roll of 36 exposure film these days?).

After some wide ranging scores we ended up with a tie at the top and having no tie-breaker prepared, the joint winners were declared as Chris Williams and Geoff Clinton, with Colin McInnes just half a point behind!

Some revision required for next year!

Talk Sport by Warren Alani

Talk Sport 2024-25

The club started the 2024/25 lecture season with a bang, with Warren Alani’s excellent Talk Sport.

Warren covered all aspects of sports photography, including technique, composition, moving around at the event, tips and tricks - all backed up by captivating example shots.

Y2023-24 Triptych 1st

Triptych Competition 2023-24

Triptych 2023-24

First place in the Triptych was grabbed by Colin McInnes with Thames at Night, second and third places taken by Graham Adamson with Birds of Costa Rica and Sunrise copy respectively

Y2023-24 Triptych 1st
2023-24 Triptych 2nd
2023-24 Triptych 3rd

Projected Image 0f the Year 2023-24

Projected Image 0f the Year 2023-24

Most favoured by club members vote for this season is Norwegian Church by Steven Else, closely followed by Lake Bled and Artic Bear both by Graham Anderson. The images members voted on were all of a high standard having scored 19 or 20 in projected image competitions throughout the year (excluding Triptych due to its different format).