Online Portraits

Last night saw our second on-line, member scored, virtually hosted competition for both Human and Animal portraits.

The images were scored using the "median" value of the scores from members, with the "mean" used as tie-breaker. Additional comments were shared, which caused some amusement due to the wide variance in suggestions - one person wants a tighter crop, another wants a wide view, of the very same image. It's not hard to see that "personal preference" plays a large part and why externally judging still makes us all unhappy at times. Anyway - on to the results....


Animal Portraits

The winner in this category was Geoff Clinton with "It was him". Second was another primate with Chris Bennett's "Big Daddy", and there was a tie for third place between Colin McInnes and Geoff again with "Tessa" and "Hebridean sheep" respectively.

Human Portraits

The winner here was Chris Bennett with her lovely mon of "Mum". There was a tie for second place between Chris Drury and Colin McInnes with their editions of "Butter wouldn't melt" and "Girl with the auburn hair".